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Mysterious Temple - 2015


I am entranced by all sorts of religious temples.  For this piece I was inspired by a church that is located in Rome called "San Luigi dei Francesi".  

The main feature of this church is that it has many vertical straight lines on the side walls, pillars and its dome shape on the ceiling.


First(Concept), I determined the pieces I wanted to make, and quickly broke it down piece by piece to make them modulers.


Testing out Shaders with texture to see

what it looks like in Vray.

Problem :

Reflections, large texture size, many lighting

setup increased an already long

rendering time.

Solution :

UE4 has perfectly suited my needs.

I've worked with a graphic programmer

for a few days to figure out how PBR works in UE4.


Most of low poly walls, ceiling and pillars are all modular.

For the statue, I sculpted the base figure in zbrush and took it into

Marvelous Designer to create the cloth.


I used Photoshop for PBR texture creation, useing Marble and noise

textures for the base color map. For roughness, I used Brightness in

Color picker (which has only 0 - 100 value) to support a linear workflow.

I used old-decoration textures and import them into Zbrush

to polish Normal map.

I also used Quixel suite to create base normal maps quickly.

I experimented with the roughness setting in the materials to

see what they could contribute to my end render. Over all, I was

pleased with what they contributed.

Something I leard after the fact :

I later realized that I had more controll over masks in UE4 than I initially thought. I could have used more values when creating roughness maps and then edited them in engine for quicker turn around.

Vray Prototype

Marvelous Cloth

Base Color




Base Color




Fifth(Lighting and final adjustment),

There is only one directional light to define main lighting. I also made it grayscale to check the values.

After I was satisfied with the simple light setup, I added more point lights and spot lights in the scene to separate the different sections and different mood.

I demonstrated different times of a day to study how lighting would effect the scene.

Software Used :

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