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100% Fully Procedural Tileable Texture - 2016


First (Knowing the logic in Substance Designer)

I have studied the program by subscribing Allgorithmic Channel in Youtube to understand and know the

possibIity of the program. 

First thing that I figured out was the program enables me to create textures in a way that how real life

objects texture is created.

It is 3D printer to me. I was able to create details on every layers with maskes based on the height information.

Second (Creating the simpliest form and pattern),

The simpliset shape of the brick was a beveled squre which I connected to Tile generator.

I added gradient effect on the brick to have a tilt control.

Third(Separation & Mask Control setup)

This is important map that controls boundaries between dirts, stone, plants and tiles.

Stones, plants and branches are mostly generated on the black area where the dirt is.

I used maskes a lot for entire work process.

I utilized masks for branches, stones, plants and water to isolate them so that they don't share 

normal map and height map.


The key was to make a small portion of individual textures and make it pattern.

I also created a custom FXmap which generate a random pattern using a input map.

I made a demo video of how it works in Substance Designer.


I tested out the render with different IBLs in Marmoset.

FXmap node                                                                        Result from FXmap

Texture in order(Roughness, Height, baseColor, Normal, AO)

Software Used :

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